Sun Nov 14, 2010

Sweet little neck scarf

I’m about half done with the main part. I blocked it last night, so it’d lay nice and I could see it better.



You can’t really see them, but there are clear, iridescent beads all over it. This time, I’m making the scarf with a snowflake stitch pattern instead of the catspaw I’ve done in the past. It’s a messier looking stitch than I anticipated, but it’s still pretty. I’m planning to spin some silk for a smooth and shiny edging which I’ll knit onto the top and bottom only, not the sides. But I haven’t decided yet what color to dye the silk. Probably a very dark blue, but there’s always that part of me that thinks, “no, RED!”

The yarn I’m knitting with came from a little pile of baby alpaca top I’d test dyed in a couple shades of sky blue a long time ago that I happened to come across the other day. I can’t remember when I dyed it, or what I dyed it for, but there was almost an ounce of it. I added enough white, undyed alpaca to make a full ounce, and blended it together into rolags with my handcards to spin. It took two hours to spin the singles, and probably about that long to ply. So a satisfyingly quick little project.

And as usual, this was intended for me, but as I’m knitting it, I keep thinking of people to give it to. That’s why I’ve knit so many little shawls and neckwarmers, but continue to not have one of my own. I always give them away.

Tue Nov 9, 2010

They’re done!


The lady that commissioned them is picking them up tonight.

Now, I can knit something for me! My list of choices is pretty long… I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet.

Thu Nov 4, 2010

I want to be KT Tunstall

I always want to be KT Tunstall. And every time I see her live, or watch a video of her performing, or listen to one of her CDs (so like I said, always), I want to be her more.

She’s amazing.

Sara and I had a fabulous time at her concert Tuesday night. Nate ended up not being able to come at the last minute but was more then happy to let me ditch him on his birthday so I could go.

As I’ve said previously, he’s wonderful. But to be fair (to me) hers is the only concert on the planet I would ditch my hubby on his birthday to see. It was a powers-of-the-universe thing.

So we did. And it was great.




Sara and I were totally crushing on the cutie keyboard/trumpet player. (Happy birthday, honey!)



The tour bus-


And I got the pick she threw out into the audience at the end of it.


(So happy!)

The next day, I spent quite a bit of time in front of the 8 foot mirror in our stairwell trying to dance and play guitar at the same time. (You don’t get a picture of that).

I look ridiculous, but I am getting better! And I think it relieves tension, actually. Moving with the music like that might help me be able to play in front of people with out my diaphragm turning to jelly. I’m going to try it when I play my song at the songwriter’s guild mtg tonight, and I practiced on my mother-in-law today. We’ll see how it goes.

Tue Nov 2, 2010

A love letter…

Dear sweet handsome funny brilliant hardworking thoughtful loyal husband,

I love you. Thank you for being everything that you are. Happy, happy birthday.

Mon Nov 1, 2010


For a few reasons. First, it means that Halloween is completely, absolutely, indisputably, and totally OVER!!!! For an entire YEAR!!!

And that is awesome.

Second, I love November. I love the attitude of cozying up in my warm house through the yucky weather. I love Thanksgiving. I love the promise of Christmas right around the corner. It’s my honey’s birthday this month. It’s our 17th wedding anniversary next month.

November is just good, and I’m ready for it.

So here are some cute pictures of our trick-or-treating last night. We ended up in our old neighborhood and walked around with my best internet-shy-friend and her family. (Internet-shy-family not pictured. Photographed, but not pictured).







Veronica was extremely difficult to photograph, as she and her friend were dashing from house to house and never seemed to be anywhere close to me.

Max was “tired baby” for Halloween.


At the end of the night, they had their 15 minutes of candy trading…


…and that was it. All done ’til next year!


Thu Oct 28, 2010

Good enough?

Product photography is HARD!!! I’m thoroughly humbled.

I think I have something good now. 2 or 3 out of, you know, 70 photos.




And now that they’re reduced in size, the last two look dingy and dark.


Wed Oct 27, 2010

Dear Recession,

It’s been real, but I’m afraid you’ve worn out your welcome.

Take off, eh?


Tue Oct 26, 2010

Super-mega-groovy pumpkin pictures!


It’s that time of year again! Nate’s pumpkin carving party. I had the fun task of carrying Max all night, except for the part when I took pictures, then he screamed on the floor and crawled around after me. Which was completely delightful.

Or not.

But, it’s always fun to see everyone and keep up a tradition.


I had Carol’s awesome camera last night, which doesn’t take hand held dark photos well at all, (we’re talking 4-5 second shutter speeds, and I’m not even kidding), so I brought my tripod. And the pics are fabulous!


I love how you can see reflections on the wet pavement, and the leaves….


so festive! Here’s Nate’s…


it’s Max the Vampire from the Scary Godmother books next to Abby’s haunted house.

And a few more…



Thu Oct 21, 2010

A poem…

‘Twas the night before sock hop, the local school dance
and each girl was excited to twirl every chance

said children were nestled, all snug in their beds
while mom stayed up primping their poodles instead


Is it possible to use a glue gun without burning yourself? I don’t think I’ve ever managed it.
